Workers Compensation


Insurance Agency of Ohio can write workers’ compensation and the accompanying employers liability coverage in for Ohio clients who have operations in other states. For those monopolistic states, like Ohio, that do not allow private insurers to compete with the state workers’ compensation fund, we may be able to offer separate employers liability or stop gap coverage. We also work with all of our Ohio clients to make sure they are taking advantage of the group discount programs available in Ohio.
Changes in Ohio Work Comp Program

Changes in Ohio Work Comp Program

The Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation is making some big changes to the way they bill Ohio businesses for workers compensation insurance. In the past, you paid your workers compensation insurance bill AFTER the fact. The Bureau is transitioning to charging for your...

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Workers Compensation Insurance for Ohio Companies

Workers Compensation Insurance for Ohio Companies

Workers compensation issues sometimes gets overlooked in the insurance program for Ohio based companies. Ohio is one of the few states that are still monopolistic, which means workers compensation insurance is only available through the State of Ohio's program. We...

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Our products are available through multiple companies. 

Learn more about our Work Comp programs.